Perseverance- Emotions

Today we are looking at our emotions in our sacral-chakra. 

I want to focus on how we relate to our goals or our dreams.

What is your dream? We talk about our hopes and dreams and goals we have with our children. When we talk about goal setting it is important to look at our goals from a SMART standpoint-

S M A R T goals


I have so many goals- one, in particular, is I wanted to write more in my blog. I have always been more preoccupied about what others may think about what I am writing. In turn, I wouldn’t write at all. Nevertheless, I wanted my voice to be heard. Writing every day is both measurable and achievable. It is just enough of a challenge because I had not been writing every day.

Big picture, you have this larger than life dream- what are small steps you can make to turn your dream into a reality? Focus on what supports your vision and why you had this goal in the first place. You might be feeling defeated from all of your setbacks but your goal is just around the corner

Let go of the fears that are holding you back

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